Your weekly round-up of news from around our wonderful Golden Apples Family nurseries is here!

The Beacon, Rendlesham
Physical activity is so important for children of all ages – the children at the Beacon just couldn’t help but sing and dance along to their favourite songs!

The children had snack with a difference! They had the opportunity to explore a variety of fruits from around the world – papaya, kiwi, mango and avocado.
They used an atlas and a globe to look at the different countries from where the fruits were from, using their senses and a variety of language to describe what they smelt, felt and tasted like.
The overall winner was… PAPAYA!

Woodbridge Day Nursery, Woodbridge
This week we are learning about different vehicles and today we are playing with Diggers and Dumper trucks!
And to celebrate… the children had homemade sticky toffee pudding for lunch. Yummy!

Do you have friends or family in the Woodbridge area looking for high-quality childcare? Then we have THREE amazing Golden Apples nurseries to consider: The Beacon Day Nursery and Preschool Woodbridge Day Nursery The Cornerstone Day Nursery and Preschool
Please call 01440 702151 or email info@goldenapples.co.uk for more information.

The Appletree, Attleborough
Look at our clever little Russets learning new independence skills! They were very excited to use our new toddler safe knife-and-board set.
One at a time the children were able to follow Emma’s direction's and use one hand to hold the cucumber while using the other hand to hold the knife.
They then used their physical skills to move the knife back and forth to cut a slice of cucumber which they ate for snack.
Well done, everyone!

The Cornerstone, Martlesham
The Pre-schoolers had been fine turning their fine motor skills with a variety of activities, showing good hand and eye co-ordination skills and demonstrating excellent pencil grasp whilst drawing their family portrait.
The children showed good scissors skills by using their thumb, index and middle fingers whilst the other fingers remain fairly still, cutting different bits of paper.
They also practised threading with a range of beads, used pegs to hang cloths and used tweezers to pick up different objects and matching colours.

The mobile library visited us here at the nursery – and the children had a lovely time flicking through all the wonderful books!