Your weekly round-up of news from around our wonderful Golden Apples Family nurseries is here!

Head Start, Ramsey
We had some exciting visitors on our apple tree in the garden – hungry caterpillars!
It was a great learning opportunity for the children to look at life cycles and how things change and develop in the world.
We extended the children’s interest in the life cycle of the caterpillars with The Hungry Caterpillar book and other activities.
We also spent the week playing in our new garden area. The children planted strawberries, tomatoes, cucumber, carrots, mint, rosemary and other herbs.

The Beacon, Rendlesham
The babies had a great time decorating their very own fish.
Look how amazing their artwork was – the fishes are just like the ones they read about in their stories!

The Appletree, Attleborough
Russets learned all about ‘people that help us’ as part of our Community theme.
The children had great fun exploring our road workers tray filled with sand and diggers – afterwards they read a book together called The Construction Site.
The children then used crayons to colour pictures of emergency vehicles.
Outside, the children made a zebra crossing and roundabout to use in the garden.
The children then got into their vehicles and began riding round the roundabout, stopping at the zebra crossing and allowing their friends to cross.
Well done, everyone!

The Ark, Watton
To support with the transition to big school, our pre-school role-play area has been transformed into a classroom.
It looks like today's lesson is going to be based on phonics!

The Cornerstone, Martlesham
The children made bird feeders for the birds nesting in the garden…

…while the Barn Owls showed off their amazing balancing skills!