Your weekly round-up of news from around our wonderful Golden Apples Family nurseries is here!

The Beacon, Rendlesham
Pre-School have been busy creating bracelets and necklaces using pasta shells.
Lots of fine motor skills were developed here as the children had to take meticulous care in threading the pasta.
We then went on to paint and decorate the creations.
Painting is a way for children to express themselves, convey ideas, express emotion, use their senses and explore process and outcomes.

From birth, babies use their five senses to explore and learn about the world around them.
Our baby practitioners carefully create these tuff trays to create an interest for a baby to explore and investigate.

Pre-School took a trip to our local community shop to purchase snacks for themselves.
They made some healthy choices too, opting for a selection of fruit and bottles of water.
We then enjoyed having some playtime in the park. Lots of healthy foods, physical activity and fresh air will help support a healthy mind and body.

The Appletree, Attleborough
On National Bowling Day, Bramley room played big bowling with a huge pink ball and construction cones.
They used different throwing techniques to try and knock over the cones and even adjusted their aim if they missed.
Great fun!

The Cornerstone, Martlesham
The Ducklings loved exploring the Owl Baby book and props.
Adult storytelling while using props can support children's communication, language and listening skills.

The Anchor, Huntingdon
Our Toddlers enjoyed a lovely walk in the forest on a beautiful summery day!
They’ve been learning about their five senses, so went into the forest to see what they could hear, touch, smell and see.
They loved swinging on the swings, listening to the farmers on their tractors and watching the trees sway in the wind.

Head Start, Ramsey
We are all very excited – because we have our first bunch of carrots!
They taste very sweet. The children have really enjoyed watching the carrots grow.

Woodbridge Day Nursery, Woodbridge
We have been really busy this week doing some junk modelling and decorating records to hang on the wall.
We also conducted some science experiments in the garden and moved the tables outside to have our lunch.
The children sat and listened to a story whilst they were waiting.